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EXT. STREET - DAY Gary and Rock check it out Isaac's '98 Camry while Isaac watches proudly. To Isaac-- GARY: Nice. I mean, it isn't exactly... It runs, right? ISAAC: It runs great. I feel like I should give back-- ROCK: Give it back? Why? Does it burn oil? GARY:He said give back, dude, not give IT back. It's a, like, a Christian thing and shit. ISAAC: Oh, I tried to give it back. But he wouldn't take it. GARY: Whatcha going to do with it? ISAAC: Do with it? Drive Uber? ROCK: Car's way too old for that, bro. I think the cutoff year is like 2003. (Rock hoots with irony. Gary looks at the crestfallen Isaac, then his eyes light up with an idea. While Rock peers inside the car, Gary steps away and pulls out his cell phone.) ROCK: Interior looks in pretty good shape. Whoa. Two-hundred-sixty thousand miles and still going strong. (grins, pretends to surf) That's like me on the freaking waves, dude. GARY: (on cell phone, undertone.) I'm telling you, he's perfect... Experience? (looks at Isaac, grins) Zero. Zilch. That's exactly what I mean. He's the last person on Earth you have to worry about pinching a bag... Clear
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